My name is Laura Reed. I like to learn and create new things.

I enjoy taking photos of plants, animals and landscapes. When I'm not at my desk, I'm often out with a camera around my neck snapping photos.

I am an intermediate in digital graphic design, logo design and web design. I am well-versed in Adobe Fireworks, my program of choice.

I have mastered the concepts behind HTML and CSS, and have a good working knowledge in PHP, MySQL and JavaScript.

From a young age I have been acquianted with internet security. I am working towards the security certificates, and hope to be CISSP certified eventually.

I love to hike, identify plants and keep up on the latest environmental trends. I consider myself an environmentalist and have fair knowledge of the science of ecology.

Learning is my passion and best pastime. If I'm not deep in a book, I'm taking online courses or learning the latest technology. Keeping up-to-date in the tech industry is a pleasure!